Super-Hero Pickleball Tournament

Dec 16, 2015

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We love when we get stories from our readers about community events, pickleball get-togethers, and especially themed tournaments! Rick Varley, a reader out of Dowell, Maryland recently sent us this message, and it was too good not to share. Enjoy!

Pickleball Costume Party

Batman & Superman defeated by Captain America & Super Shopper

We have a private community in Dowell, Maryland called Oyster Bay. We converted 3 unused tennis courts into 4 pickleball courts. We have 3 holiday tournaments throughout the year to give our members some tournament experience. Our last event around Halloween was given the theme 'Super Hero,' and everyone was to dress in their favorite tee-shirt or attire. Prizes were donated and they are always humorous. The winners of this tournament were presented with 'Pickle Bandages' and a can of Pickle Mints. Many times it is just a jar of pickles! It was a fun day and a great format that took about an hour and 30 minutes to complete.

Oyster Bay Pickleball Club Tournament:
How the Tournament Works-

  • On pieces of paper, write four "1"s, four "2"s, four "3"s, and four "4"s. Each number corresponds to a court (Court 1, Court 2, Court 3, and Court 4).
  • Each player blindly draws a number and goes to that court.
  • Everyone plays one game to 11 with each person at that court (for a total of three matches at that court). You do not win by 2; whoever reaches 11 points first, wins.
  • At the end of each game, you tell the scorekeeper how many points you scored individually, as well as whether it was a win or a loss. A win is 1 point, a loss is 0 points.
    • For example, Anna is playing at Court 3. She wins every game, resulting in 11 points every game for a total of 33 points. She also receives 3 "Win" points for a total of 36 points.
    • 11 points x 3 games = 33 points.
    • 1 Win Point x 3 Wins = 3 points.
    • 33 points + 3 points = 36 points total.
  • Once everyone is done playing at their court, tally up the points and determine the top 4 players.
  • These players play in the Championship Match to 15 points.