How to Spread the Word About Your Pickleball Club

by laurapbc on Apr 17, 2018

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We recently received a request from a club leader asking how they could better inform their community about pickleball and get more visitors on their courts.

For those just starting a club you may want to read this previous post, but once you've got things running and simply need to increase your visibility, here are a few options:

Get listed on the USAPA's Places to Play List

Many people use the USAPA's site to search for local pickleball groups. To add yours to their list, simply sign up for a free account and then fill out the required information. You can do this by going to the Places to Play page and clicking 'Add Place' in the upper left corner.

The more details you can provide about your club/location, the better informed newcomers will be.


Contact ambassadors and clubs

The USAPA provides lists of registered pickleball ambassadors based on state. Look up those in your area and send them a friendly email introducing your club and explaining that you would love to welcome more members. By doing this, they may be able to recommend people to your group.

You can follow a similar routine with other nearby clubs. Explain that you've opened up a few courts and ask if they would share this news with their members. Perhaps you'll get a few more drop-ins as people make their pickleball rounds for the week, or they might introduce friends to your club if the location is more convenient.

Use local resources

You can of course reach out to friends and family members who may be interested in giving pickleball a try, or ask to advertise in central community locations such as rec halls, schools, popular businesses and senior communities.

Some have even had success contacting the local media to get more publicity and raise awareness of the game.

Conversation (Source: Annette Dubois)

Explore social media

Many local groups and even some statewide associations create Facebook groups to organize information and share pickleball news with their communities. Try searching for 'pickleball + your state' to see if any groups pop up and ask to join so that you can spread the word about your club.

Just be careful to follow group guidelines and be respectful of other members!

If you're the first of your kind in a relatively pickleball-free area, it can be a little tricky to convince people to give the game a shot. But once you get the ball rolling (or popping) you're sure to find plenty of fans!