Many players speak in awe of Chicken N Pickle, the 'do-it-all' restaurant/entertainment complex hybrid that's taking the pickleball world by storm. For those who haven't heard of it yet, it's time to remedy that so you can start booking a trip down to Kansas City, Missouri!
The fantastic Chicken N Pickle complex
Chicken-N-Pickle consists of an incredible 8 courts (4 indoor and 4 outdoor), a beer garden with a shack serving 25+ canned beers, full bar and sandwiches.
There's also a 5,600 sq. ft. restaurant featuring wood fire rotisserie chicken with all-natural healthy ingredients, 30+ TVs, a rooftop bar, courtyard with a jumbo TV and yard games that opened last November.
Maybe if we ask nicely we can live there?
Thanks to Kellen Mumm, the VP of Operations, for kindly taking the time to share new details about this wonderland and how it got started! [Note: This interview was conducted last year and so all mentions of specific dates were for 2016.]
How was Chicken N Pickle conceived? Or: What came first, the Chicken or the Pickle?
Chicken N Pickle was born over a couple of beers. David Johnson, the owner, was the first to bring up the idea. [Want to know something really weird? David Johnson is the owner of PickleballCentral, but he's a different David... weird coincidence!]
He saw pickleball and was amazed by the social aspect of the sport. It was incredible to see 30+ people all hanging around these courts talking and having fun. He played with some friends for the first time in AZ and (just like everybody else) played one game and was hooked.
Inside the Chicken N Pickle restaurant
He knew we needed this in Kansas City and his first thought was to add a restaurant. One of his favorite restaurants in the Grand Cayman Islands is called Chicken! Chicken! So he thought, 'Why not a rotisserie chicken place?' Bill Crooks was brought on as a consultant because of his experience opening over 30 restaurants nationwide, and he's helped us find some incredible talent such as Bill Koning as General Manager and Alex Staab as Chef.
Since that initial meeting, our idea has grown into the giant complex you see today.
Do you play pickleball personally? Where did you first discover the game and what are your favorite parts of it?
I first played pickleball in high school, but I didn't know it was called pickleball at the time because my PE teacher decided to name it after himself! I rediscovered it (this time under the right title) when CnP was born and have been playing ever since. Since we opened I play 5-6 times per week and I like to think I'm getting pretty good.
Chicken N Pickle indoor courts
I love how easy it is to get started, and it's the only sport that you can play with anyone regardless of age, gender and athletic ability. It's a great family sport and a great date night sport. Since I'm very competitive by nature it's fun to compete at, and it's humbling when someone twice my age runs me around the court and doesn't let me score a point...
Your group seems to use a lot of Selkirk-branded paddles – is there are partnership between you two? And if so, how did that come about?
I was introduced to Andy Gensch, who is one of the few 5.0 players in the Kansas City area. He then introduced me to Selkirk and they've just been amazing to work with. We use the Selkirk 20P-XL as our rental paddles so our customers get to play with top-of-the-line equipment. We want everything at CnP to be tournament-grade pickleball and Selkirk helps us achieve that. I personally play with the 300A-XL and love it.
Andy Gensch
What are your eventual goals with Chicken N Pickle? Would you like to expand to more locations or are you concentrating on building your first location for the time being?
We would love to bring Chicken N Pickle to other cities across the country as we feel pickleball is growing faster than it can handle and we want to help that cause. We are focusing on making this first one work; there have been and will be more lessons from this prototype that will help us bring our concept to many locations.
What has the local response been like? Do you find yourself getting customers who are already picklers, or more newcomers to the sport who get hooked after visiting?
We've taught pickleball to more people than I can count. It's been amazing! The local picklers and newcomers stop by because there's no place like it and CnP has this atmosphere of fun. We have a lot of leagues going now and I would say 50% are people that have started playing at CnP in the past 2 months.
The Chicken N Pickle outdoor courts duting construction
Andy Gensch seems to help out with teaching at Chicken N Pickle, and you have classes coming up with other pros as well. Are you looking to do outreach to develop other events like this?
Andy has been amazing and I have the testimonials from his lessons to prove it! He has been a big part of bringing people like Enrique Ruiz and Dee Davidson in for clinics, which were huge successes. We also have Dave Wienbach coming for a clinic and he'll play in our October tournament.
Andy loves pickleball and has been instrumental in growing the game. We both love the fact there are so many new faces. The clinics and lessons he provides are going to make the sport that much more competitive. We do beginner clinics and advanced clinics as much as we can to help give our players more resources.
You host food trucks in addition to your rotisserie offerings. How did that idea develop and do you find it adds another layer of fun for visitors? It seems like you use a lot of nearby stores to give people a locally-flavored experience.
We are huge on everything local. Local produce when we can, local beers (we plan to have 28 taps with all local flavors). People in Kansas City love supporting their neighbors and we're no different.
Bill Crooks, primary Chicken N Pickle consultant
Is there anything in particular you’d like to say to our PickleballCentral readers?
I would invite anyone passing through Kansas City to stop by and play a game and give me feedback! We want to grow pickleball as much as possible. We also have events every month, such as: Oktoberfest on September 1st, Halloween on October 2nd and our first ever pickleball tournament Oct 20 - 24. Sign-ups have been going fast.
You can find out more about Chicken N Pickle on their site and find out what events they have coming up at their blog. Everyone visit if you can, and send them some love to let CnP know you want to see MORE of their facilities in the near future!
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