Now that we're nearing the end of the first full week of January, it's time to analyze how well you've been sticking to New Year's resolutions. Have you been able to maintain consistency or are things starting to look messy?
To piggyback on this topic, today we're going to discuss a handy 'follow through' trick for your pickleball shots using a video from Joe Baker. If you want to improve your accuracy and consistently hit pickleballs where you want them to go, this demonstration will be a huge help.
In the video, Joe shows how both timing and the positioning of your paddle determine a pickleball's trajectory. A lot of beginners misuse 'wristy' action that causes balls to fly out of control. To show which direction your shots will go, Joe uses some great visuals to demonstrate how even small movements can completely change the course of your hits.
Give it a watch if you'd like to learn how to properly position your body and dominant paddle hand to ensure a reliable aim.
The video refers to this technique as a 'linear stroke,' which involves players following through on their hits and moving their arm along an invisible line. Make sure you're bending your knees, setting your paddle hand, guiding your shots with your shoulders/upper body and maintaining a long 'swing zone.'
Pretend you're trying to hit four balls in a row, keeping your wrist locked through the strike.
This concept is just about the same as the technique used in tennis, which is likely why so many tennis players end up doing well in pickleball too. You need to 'elongate the contact point' to make sure you consistently hit your targets.
Try these tips and see if you find your game improving with fewer misdirected shots.
You'll see some 5.0 players using this very technique in the video. Some common (and important) shots that can be improved by using this strategy are your serve, third shot drop and smash.
Reduce your curved hits and try out the linear stroke in your next game. Let us know how it goes!
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