The Most Stylish Pickleball Paddles of 2015 - 2016
Most pickleball players are primarily concerned with how their paddle functions, while design is secondary. But in honor of springtime and the ol’ adage of, “It’s what’s inside that counts… but being pretty doesn’t hurt either!” here is a list of some of the most attractive paddles we carry.
5. 20P-XL Epic by Selkirk Sports
The 20P-XL Epic in lime, cyan and red.
The 20P-XL is a study in versatility. Depending on the color of this paddle, it can remind me of an ocean current, lava flow or glow stick. Talk about getting mileage out of your design! This paddle has a look so flexible that it can appeal to many different players, whether they prefer something laid-back or loud.
The darker sides of this paddle help to balance out the bright colors used in the center. Another bonus is that it’s easy to tell where the middle of your paddle is at a glance, allowing players to be consistent in hitting the sweet spot.
4. Zen by Onix / Escalade Sports
The Zen in blue, orange and pink. Click for more colors!
This paddle is a bit of a play in opposites. While the word “Zen” might normally bring to mind floating cherry blossoms on the wind, this paddle instead features the hanzi (Chinese character) for “power” and displays a fire-breathing dragon front and center.
Maybe some people get their zen on by destroying opponents on the court? The slight disconnect between name and imagery may give us a laugh, but the Zen is still a good-looking paddle, particularly in colors that bring out the contrast between the stylized dragon and the background.
3. Matrix by Manta World Sports
The Matrix by Manta in green, blue and pink.
Fans of The Matrix are sure to smile at the sight of the cascading text on this paddle, which was designed to look like code. Even if you haven’t seen the movie, this paddle has a futuristic charm to it thanks to the deep black background which makes the shining pickleball pop out and grab players’ attention.
While a lot of manufacturers put their contact information right in the middle of their paddles, these details are strung around the edge of the Matrix to keep the focus on its attractive design. Nice thinking, Manta!
2. Tempest by Paddletek
The Tempest paddle in blue, red and gray.
The Tempest proves there’s beauty in simplicity. The design almost resembles a Polynesian tattoo with bold, broad strokes conveying the power of an ocean storm. The inclusion of a few black swirls in the wave serve to create more visual interest while giving the paddle a bit of an edgy look.
The stark white background seems all the more brilliant when paired with rich colors, even in gray. If you'd like to improve your ability to hit this paddle's sweet spot, the wave's inner curve makes for a perfect target.
1. Champion Graphite X by Pickleball Inc.
The Champion Graphite X in sunrise and midnight.
It was hard to pick, but my choice for the most stylish paddle of 2015-2016 is the glamorous Champion Graphite X! While much-beloved, the original Vintage Champion featured a plain look. Pickleball Inc. took it to the next level with their redesign, giving the new Champions an eye-catching color gradient and curving lines that bring more character to the face.
At the same time, the Champion Graphite X came out and went a step further. The high quality polycarbonate skin not only gives the surface more strength, but just look at the design! The contrasting colors are truly beautiful to behold and come in patterns that evoke both the rising sun and a dusky evening.
What’s your favorite paddle out of our top picks? Do you think we should have included something else? Let us know in the comments below!
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