Meet The Pros - Glenn Lucey
Glenn Lucey Bronze Medal, 2018 USAPA Margaritaville Nationals
Glenn Lucey is another un-suspecting tennis convert. Be sure to check his posts on the Pickleball Forum. Enjoy!
Can you list for us your major wins so we can correctly introduce you to our readers?
Well, my biggest accomplishment was the recent bronze in the Senior Men's Open Singles at Nationals where I beat 3 out of 6 top senior singles players. In addition, I've gotten medals in about 10 senior open/pro events in men's doubles and mixed doubles and singles in the year and a half I've been playing tournaments, including:
2019 The Lakes Spring Fling, Men's Singles Skill - Silver
2018 USAPA Margaritaville Nationals, Men's Senior Open Singles - Bronze
2018 SoCal Summer Classic, Mixed Doubles with Jill Prolman, Bronze
2018 Brigham City Memorial Tournament, Men's Doubles with Larry Moon - Gold
Men's Singles Senior Pro - Bronze
2018 Grand Canyon State Games, Men's Senior Pro Doubles with Jay Rippel - Bronze
2017 SoCal Summer Classic, Men's Senior Pro Doubles with Mike Gates - Silver
2017 PickleballZone Bend PNT, Men's Singles Senior Pro - Bronze
2017 Brigham City Memorial Tournament, Men's Doubles PPF Pro Senior with Joe Frasca - Bronze
What paddle do you play with and why?
I play with a ZZT Sports EVO 1, which is no longer made. I haven't found a paddle that I like anywhere near as much. I also add lead tape, so my current paddle weighs 10.5 oz, though it used to be 12!
What is your pickleball story? How were you introduced to pickleball?
I was trying to get back into tennis and was referred to a local pastor who had a pickleball court in his backyard and was the best player in the area at the time. I thought I was meeting him for tennis. Have hardly played tennis since.
What is your preference: playing indoors or outdoors?
I hate playing indoors and am lucky enough to live in California where I can play outdoors year-round.
Do you like singles or doubles better? Why?
Doubles. I have a love/hate relationship with singles and mainly play it because I'm good at it.
Glenn Lucey with Jill Prolman, 2018 SoCal Summer Classic
What is your favorite place to play? Why?
Probably my home courts in Concord, California because it's where I play 90% of the time. Fourteen courts so no waiting, and they're sloped so they dry quickly after it rains!
City of Concord CA pickleball courts
What is your secret sauce? Any tips for players?
Hit deep serves and deep returns. Drill your 3rd shot drops and dinks and no man's land play until you're as good as Kyle Yates!
What is your day job?
I used to teach school but I was able to retire at around 40 due to luckily having bought a couple duplexes at the right time.
How many hours a week do you play? How do you make time to play?
Not as many as I'd like, and I play a fair amount, but around 4 times a week/15 hours.
Any lucky rituals before a big tournament?
I actually still get nervous, especially before singles, but no lucky rituals or I would have more gold medals!
Do you have any pickleball goals you would like to share?
I know it's cliche, but to become the best player I can be and perform to my potential in tournaments.
Anything else you would like to share about your pickleball experience?
I think this is a game where hard work, drilling, learning something new and figuring out the nuances of this game every day CAN take you to a high level. If you haven't been, come to a big tournament where the best players in the world are playing and watch it live. And if I'm there, please find me and introduce yourself. I'd love to meet you!
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