Meet The Pro: Steve Deakin

Jan 25, 2023

Steve Deakin is a highly regarded professional pickleball player who not only competes at the professional level but offers clinics and bootcamps around the US and Canada. Steve has a background in tennis and an insatiable appetite for pickleball. We caught up with him recently and got him to share his secret sauce, most memorable moments, and his paddle of choice. Enjoy!

How did you get started in pickleball?

My Dad introduced me to pickleball when I was rehabbing a shoulder injury back in 2017. I was a competitive tennis player and had no idea what pickleball was or how it was played. I learned to play at my local community center with a wooden paddle and a white Jugs ball on a wood floor. I was hooked instantly and was obsessed with getting better as fast as I could. I immediately YouTubed some PNW GOATS like Wes Gabrielson, Brian Ashworth, Tim Nelson, Chris Miller, etc and learned a lot from watching those guys. The rest is history.

What paddle do you play with and why?

I play with the new Head Gravity Tour. This paddle has a huge sweet spot without sacrificing any power. I was also impressed with the grit Head has been able to add which helps me be a more creative shot maker. This is a must have!

What skills do you have that make you a great athlete? What is your secret sauce?

I have always been a player that could rely on fast hands to get out of trouble and create offense when on the attack. I would also say my consistency and smart shot selection have been valuable assets to me throughout my career.

What are your most memorable pickleball moments?

I have 3 that are special to me.

1. Walking onto stadium court at Indian Wells with Erik Lange for US Nationals in 2019 to play Ben and Kyle in the gold medal match.

2. All 4 of my Canadian National Titles

3. My first podium finish after returning from injury Nov 2022 with James Ignatowich at a Texas PPA event. This was probably the most emotional pickleball moment for me as it was touch and go whether I would play pro pickleball again.

What is the best advice you’ve received that you can share with us?

I have 2 pieces of advice I was given that really resonated with me.

1. It is hard to close out an opponent that never gives up. Never roll over in a match no matter what the score.

2. Be humble no matter how good you think you are.

What do you love most about teaching clinics?

I love seeing my students incorporate what I have taught them into their game play. It is rewarding when they approach me months later and say what I presented to them created success.

What are you doing when you aren’t playing pickleball?

I can easily binge a Netflix series for sure. I also enjoy playing poker and fine dining. 

Keep track of Steve, and other pro pickleball players journeys.

Shop Steve Deakin's Favorite HEAD Paddles