Jackson, Missouri Gets It!!!! - Pickleball!

by elizaled on May 13, 2016

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Civic Center Jackson MO Brand New Civic Center in Jackson, Missouri

Doug Brown is a Pickleball Ambassador in Jackson, Missouri.  He worked on the City of Jackson the whole time they were building this new Civic Center, asking them to let pickleball be part of the program.  Jackson, Missouri just opened this new building this spring. Before they did the city asked the folks in town to donate funds so that they could fill up the gym up with equipment. So the town had funds given to the city for that.  The city let him tape the courts for pickleball and Doug invited some of the best players to come demonstrate it for several weeks.  He even got the local paper to come and do a feature on Pickleball at the Civic Center in Jackson.  One morning while someone was giving a tour of the building, a man came in and saw them playing and asked about the game. He left the building and came back to give a check to the city, but wanted it to be for the sport of Pickleball. I think that is what got the ball rolling. They had money before but now they had someone that had seen the sport that had money and they wanted to see it get going. $200,000 total was raised, and a portion of those funds was dedicated to pickleball.

They got to start their official pickleball schedule on May 10th.  Jackson, Missouri finally gets it!!! Pickleball!

SEMO (South East Missouri) Pickleball Players SEMO (South East Missouri) Pickleball Players

The SEMO Pickleball Club on Facebook has a post letting folks know when to show up: 'Someone asked when Jackson will start Pickleball. Next Tuesday at 9:30am??. This is the only day so far that they will offer a time to play. If we fill that gym up I can tell you it would go along way to getting more days?? I have been working with them and should have a day soon to play at night. As I get that I will post the day they give us and again as they give us a time lets get in there and show them the need for night times for this sport. Doug Brown'

And on the Jackson City Parks and Recreation page, this is the news:

Event: Pickleball Play

Date: Tuesday, 5-10-2016 at 9:30 AM to Tuesday, 5-10-2016 at 1:00 PM

Details: Pickleball Play - Join us for Pickleball on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am at the Civic Center beginning May 10! Nets, paddles and balls will be provided. Regular Civic Center entry fees apply ($2). Call 204-8848 for more information.

Let's Give Doug Brown, USAPA Pickleball Ambassador, the SEMO Pickleball Club and the City of Jackson, Missouri a big round of applause for a job well done!