Mixed Doubles at the U.S. Open
The American Sports Builders Assoc. has presented some numbers relating to the U.S. Open, and it's exciting stuff! If you've ever wanted some hard facts to back up pickleball's growing popularity, these details definitely show a positive trend for the sport's growth.
Pickleball U.S. Open Stats
- 808 total athletes registered
- 7 countries represented
- 39 states represented
- 89: Age of the oldest participant
- 12: Age of the youngest participant
- 42/58: Percentage of male to female athletes
- 10,000 - 12,000: Spectators who attended the five-day event
- $2.5 million: Economic impact according to Collier County Visitor’s Bureau
- Nationwide coverage: The event was broadcast on CBS Sports Network
As time goes on more pickleball players and courts to accommodate them are sprouting up. Soon we won't be surprised to hear about pickleball being offered in just about every city throughout the U.S. And it's not only growing here, as attested to by our international pickleball coverage.
There are estimated to be 2 million pickleball players right now, with an astonishing 8 million expected by 2018. An average of 76 places to play are created every month per the USAPA, and we're excited that pickleball is finding new fans.
More and more we're hearing that it's not only players, but cities that are jumping on board the pickleball bandwagon. It's no surprise. Not only is the game good for people's health, but it's good for local economies. Picklers are willing to invest in a sport that caters to them, rather than needing joints of steel or long hours of practice to play at a decent skill level.
Have you seen pickleball grow in your own community over time? What sort of facilities would you like to see as pickleball continues to gain popularity?
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